Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Beware of deceptive, falling gas prices


Isn't it great....... that gas prices have been coming down quite a bit!!! Don't be a gas sucker and fall for the the Bush administration minipulation, buddied up with the big oil companies and folks with a bunch of big time money in oil stocks, to get those pump prices down just befroe the November 7th election. I said quite a few years ago that all us American sheep would be happy as clams if gas ever got down to around $2.00. I am not! The price of gas and a barrel of oil will sky rocket after Nov. 7th, espesially after the democrats take over from the Bush debacle.

Isn't it funny, in a way. George Dubya is now saying he will not use the phrase "Stay The Course". I'm sure all our brave service men and women, boys and girls that lost thier lives in this insane war will be happy. Let alone the maimed.

Ted Kennedy, Jim McDermott and others who had enough courage to say this Iraqi crusade was another Vietnam were right. Also everything John Kerry said was right, also. Too bad Ohio was stolen from and the American citizens or things would not be the way they are today.

Just thinking about all the innocent lives, both civilian and military that have been lost because of one gun slinger.

Don't be a sucker for the economy either. The top one percent of the wealthy are doing fabulous. Midlle class and poor folks are being sent down that well known river with out a paddle.

I must give congratullations to most Republicans that have not been on Hillary Clinton's case and have transformed themselves, and are now ganging up on that evil Nancy Pelosi. What a brave bunch they are!!

They don't know what to think of Senator Barrack Obama, a good, not corrupted man with brains. They just shake in their boots when he even breathes that he might seek the presidential nomination in '08.

There is hope and let's get a good start on Nov. 7th and take our country back.

Being lied to for 6 years is more than long enough for me.

Proud to be an American right or wrong.


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