Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Who killed electric cars?

In case you still have not seen "An Inconvenient Truth" as of yet, I recommend you do so. We all can help. More on the movie... Notice the old TV commercial in it, "9 out of 10 doctors smoke Camels!" Funny how a lot of us got sucked into that. My mother died at 54, sister at 47. Both non-filter chain-smokers. It is still going on today with the scientists that are being paid to say that there is no such thing as global warming. When the snow finally is all gone from Mt. Kilimanjaro will they still say that? One scientist called global warming a hoax. Clip of Ronnie Reagan saying trees pollute and George Bush senior saying we will have no jobs but be surrounded by owls. There is soon to be another documentary out called "Who Killed Electric Cars"? In 1996 there were thousands on the road in California and then the companies quit making them? Why? Was it big oil? GM? There are still a hundred trillion barrels of oil in the ground, untapped. Do you think the big boys will ever let that profit go away? To do list. Every little bit helps. 1.Change a light 2.Drive less 3.Recycle more 4.Check your tires 5.Use less hot water (take a shower once a week like I do) Ha-ha! 6.Avoid products with a lot of packaging 7.Adjust your thermostat(get a blanket if cold, if hot sit in the nude) 8.Plant a tree 9. Be part of the solution not the problem That is my lecture..See Al Gore tell more. Joe

Sunday, June 04, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth is a "must see" movie

This is a very compelling movie with the caveat that, if you don't like Al Gore this'll be a little challenging, but I encourage you to overcome this feeling though, and I do sincerely hope that you'll make a point to watch it as soon as possible. EVERY unbiased scientific data is pointing to the same direction... The large fraction of the US mass media that question the findings have ties with the current government, the Oil industry (sorry, repetition)or GM. It IS a scary movie and even though our brains cannot completely fathom the consequences that are implied here and some consequences that are suggested might not come to pass, it is no reason to close our eyes and ears while humming some primal sounds in order not to be distracted from our current state of denial. I thought I had a pretty good knowledge on the subject, but I didn't realize how much more serious it has become in such a SHORT time. Another point showing that everything is connected, Jacques Cousteau before his death said that the major issue for the future of human race will be overpopulation. It took 1 million some years to see 2,000,000,000 people living on earth at the same time and only ONE life time to increase that number by 6,000,000,000 more. Almost everywhere else in the world (the US Government - many states and cities in the US are doing something - and Australia are the only 2 major exceptions among the richest nations), everybody, even governments, are talking in urgent terms about global climate changes and its dire consequences, putting new policies in place and watching people starting to modify their old habits. Hopefully it'll come to our country too and not too soon. Earth is big but its atmosphere is VERY thin and fragile and human activities ARE impacting significantly the composition of this thin lifesaving layer. Imagine your children and your children's children asking in 20, 30 or 50 years: What have they done while we still had a chance? Joe