Some facts: 200,000 barrels of Alaskan crude lost each day because of BP.Before the US invasion of Iraq the price of a barrel of oil was $20. Gallon of gas was under $1.50. Iraq quit producing over a million barrels of oil a day when the war started, at the same time the demand for oil increased. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita knocked out oil wells and refineries in the Gulf of Mexico. Many people are driving less but getting used to
$3 a gallon or more. The next coming thing....gas shortage with long lines at the pumps to get us all to being thankful for gas at any price. Good news.....BP and the other oil companies all reported record profits. Next time you see all the long faces at the gas pumps you will know why!!!
A personal life note: My father, when he married my mother, had a nice car and
traded it for a house that my uncle owned. We walked everywhere. I grew up in Iron Mountain, Michigan. We could walk to trout streams, our hunting camp and downtown, which was a mile away. I don't live in that world anymore and most of us don't and have to depend on our car for work and fishing and hunting (for me) is not just a walk out the back door for a mile. Gas back in the '40s was only
15-cents a gallon. My father thought that was too much even then! A lot of people thought he was a little crazy for walking everywhere including 2 miles each way to the Ford Plant to work. They also ridiculed him because he liked to run 20 miles whenever he had the time. What stands out the most is that I doubt if I could trade my car for a house in today's world!! I know it is not the same money today but get this.... My Dad made
$45 a week at his job.
Last time I filled my truck it cost me $88!!
Cheers, Joe